Monday, September 27, 2010

I'm officially renaming today- "Allergy STRESS Monday".....

So it's Monday.  Enough said.  But it's also raining and my son is home sick from school.  My fabulous (and there's no sarcasm here) husband offered to drop Alexa off at school today.  This is normally VERY helpful. Today, however, is different.  Here's why, last Wed (when he picked her up from school) he forgot her lunch box.  It was left in the lunch bin in the back of the class because, as usual, my daughter forgot to get it.  This is the lunch box that has a big sign on it stating "I'm allergic-don't feed me".  We'll call this the "allergy lunchbox".  Since I didn't have her "allergy lunch box", I packed her lunch in a plain blue lunchbox and explained to hubby he should transfer today's lunch into the "allergy lunch box" and put the old lunch in the blue lunchbox for me to bring home when I picked her up.  Still with me?  Ok, so THEN I tell him he needs to stop at the nurse and drop off her asthma spacer (that tube like thingy they use to take asthma meds) in case Alexa needs medication during the day.  Since things seemed to be getting complicated and he was getting a bit wide eyed,  I wrote it all down for him.  All set! right? well of course not's Monday!

A few hours later, as I'm leaving the Dr.s office with my son, hubby calls and says "by the way, I couldn't find her old lunch bag so I hung her lunch in her cubby"  PANIC! yes PANIC!  Alexa's class eats at 11:30.  It was 11:25.  Since lunch bags go in a big bin in the back of the room her OLD lunch (with the half eaten food from WEDNESDAY) is in the bin and her new lunch is in her cubby.  I have NO idea if Alexa is going to figure this out on her own and alert the teacher or if she is going to sit down to lunch and say "I have no food".  When a child at school does not have lunch-they feed them from the hot lunch.  Alexa can not safely eat anything at school-so I had a moment of panic, thinking "are they going to figure this out?".   I immediately asked hubby to call the school and explain the situation to them since the kids were literally just sitting down to eat. ( I have to add thank God for cell phones!) By 11:45 a.m.  I had not heard if all was well.  I called hubby and he stated "I'm not sure if they will get it to her-I told the woman what happened and she said 'don't worry they'll feed her'  I told her Alexa can't eat at school due to her allergies and she said 'ok, I'll check' and hung up."  He sounded a bit panicked too.  So I called the school back.  It took 10 minutes to get a hold of someone but I finally got a call saying she did indeed have the correct lunch.  phew! Note to self and lesson learned-"do NOT forget the 'allergy lunchbox' at school!" or make a second or something....oy.

Ready for part 2?  The spacer/asthma medication he had to drop off to the nurse?  Apparently, on the 504 Form, the Dr. forgot to check what type of asthma medication Alexa is to receive.  So, even if Alexa needs asthma medication, the nurse can not give it to her.  The nurse faxed the form to the Dr. but thee is some kind of fax issue so as the day chugs on Alexa is still out of luck.  The nurse called me at 12:30 to see if I was in the school so I could just grab the form but I'm home with the sick one.  Stupid Mondays....that issue still is not resolved but hopefully the Dr. and nurse are working it out AND perhaps by some miracle Alexa will get through the day without needing additional medication.  Can I go back to bed now? This day has exhausted me and it's only 2 pm!

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